Curious Case of Facebook Movie

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's CEO

Last year, reports surfaced that Aaron Sorkin would write a movie about the creation of Facebook, which I found curious enough. Sorkin has written highly dramatic, cerebral projects about military law proceedings (A Few Good Men) and D.C. politics (The West Wing) and now he turns his pen towards…social networking? How compelling can that be? And if someone’s not on Facebook, can they still enjoy it?

The project just took an intriguing turn as Variety reports that David Fincher is considering directing the movie, called The Social Network. Fincher is known for directing dark projects so why does this story interest him? I’m aware of the controversy surrounding Facebook’s creation—CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard classmates sued him for stealing their idea—but didn’t realize it was gritty enough to interest the director of Se7en, Fight Club, and Zodiac. His last film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, might have included a love story but was really about mortality.

So is your interest suddenly piqued? Would you watch this movie if Fincher directs it? Who should play Zuckerberg? (UPDATE: Click here to see who Columbia cast as Zuckerberg. Justin Timberlake’s in the movie, too!)

3 responses to “Curious Case of Facebook Movie

  1. I agree, PCN. A movie about the guy who created FaceBook? Other than the Zuckerberg getting sued by his classmates, I don’t get why it’s getting made either.

    I heard Mark Zuckerberg shows up in the Adam Sandler’s new movie Funny People, too. Or at least he’s talked about.

    But Sorkin is no idiot, so I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

    BTW: hadn’t heard anything about this til today, so nice post.

  2. I don’t know… the idea doesn’t quite get to me… but yet, we’ll have to see until some more info comes out, don’t we?

    If they asked me to write a script about it I’d hide in another country.

  3. I don’t think it will translate well. Sounds a lot like watching paint dry. I wonder what made them think this was a good idea.

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